Tag Archives: ecotourism

Back to The Sixties: Zipolite, Mexico

The time has come to reveal my favourite place in all of Mexico. This is saying something, as I had the opportunity to travel far and wide in that beautiful country, and got to explore many of its memorable sights. However, the best trip I took over the year that I lived there was to […]

Exploring The Surrealist Garden of Las Pozas, Xilitla

Staircases that wind up to nowhere. Doorways that open to nothing. Bridges that lead to dead ends. All of them surrounded by tropical jungle; vines and moss beginning to encroach upon the abandoned structures, uncared for since the death of their creator in 1984. Seek them out to discover one of the world’s most eclectic […]

Monarch Butterfly Migration in Michoacán, Mexico

Every winter, millions of butterflies descend upon the central state of Michoacán in Mexico as part of their enormous migration which spans from Canada to Mexico. It is one of the most incredible and mysterious migrations of the animal kingdom, as the huge journey lasts several generations of the short-lived monarchs and scientists have so […]

Swimming with Whale Sharks off of Isla Holbox, Mexico

The most memorable adventure that I went on during my week-long trip of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico was, without a doubt, swimming with whale sharks off of Isla Holbox. Isla Holbox is a small, relatively undeveloped island about 100 kilometers north of Cancun. Every July, an impressive number of whale sharks congregate around the […]